Hi, Welcome to the Demo

This is just a demo of my past work. It is a cut-down version. Clicking the 'Submit' button won't work (so don't bother) and of course, the actual verson won't have this alert.

How To Answer The Quiz:

For each question, select the qualities that most & least describe you.

Tip: Clicking the desired radio button's table cell will select the radio button.
1 I see myself as a gentle person
I am very persuasive
I am a very modest type
I often come up with original ideas
2 People enjoy my company
I often introspect and evaluate myself
I am stubborn, do not easily give up
I tend to be a kind and nice person
3 I am a good follower
I am willing to take a risk
I am loyal
People say I am attractive, full of charisma
4 I am open-minded
I am always ready to help
I am strong willed
I like to please people and people like me
5 People think I am funny, I enjoy making jokes
I have good eyes on details, I am neat and orderly
I tend to be outspoken, speak uninhibitedly
I am a very calm and placid person
6 I am competitive
I am caring and considerate
I am cheerful
I like peace and being in harmony with others